For target oriented professionals and entrepreneurs who want to make the difference.


Yvette muziekgebouw bijgesneden

Receive TIPS for your talent

Food for thought, inspiring quotes and examples. (in Dutch)


Talent in motion, worldwide

Do what you are good at. It sounds simple, and sometimes it is indeed. Yet, in practise it leaves much to be desired. It can be hard for your talent when you are stuck in a boring job, when you worry about your sales, your team is sucking your energy, or when your ideas are brilliant but the implementation remains straggling.

As professionals and entrepreneurs we have great talents but, we often do not know what they are. This is a lost opportunity. Our natural talent is our best potential to be a successful professional! Talent is not reserved for celebrities. Every individual is gifted with a natural talent. You too!

Your talent is the best support in gaining results of significance. This support comes in different ways. Talent gives focus as it becomes crystal clear what suits you and what not. This helps you to take the right decisions. Talent also forms the basis of confidence that you need to implement the decisions taken. It is a source of creativity for finding solutions to the problems that you encounter. And, if your work is driven by your talent, you can be sure that you do things in your own way. That gives a lot of energy .... and it immediately distinguishes you from everyone else. Your customers will love it.


Working based on your talent? For yourself and your team members?

Start a talent project, take an international step or finally realize the brilliant idea that you carry with you.

Yvette training Zimbabwe breed bijgesneden
Talent project

You are stuck in your job or business. Plans are great, but you do not get them going. You would like to get inspired and inspire others to make the changes that are needed. It is time for a talent project!

Talenttraject met Leana 350 bij 115

You wish to take up and international challenge; and see if you can use your expertise elsewhere. The question is: where? Or: how to start? There are many different ways. Discover the possibilities and take a first step.

Internationaal kolom
Teamtalent boost

Your team members are your the most precious resource you have got. Yet, most often their talents are unknown and under-utilized. Transform your team, give it a talent boost through a team project.

online training kolom

Knowledge about talent with information and tips for your own talent. Light, cheerful and directly applicable. You can receive a biweekly talent mail (in Dutch) directly in your mailbox. For English see blog.

Blog kolom
Online learning

Learning without distance. You can work with the digital training modules (in English) about the development of your talent. Look, listen and apply it to yourself and your own work and business. To be accompanied with skype coaching. Do you wish to know more?

Digitale module

Are you looking for a speaker with a passion for talent development, international business or female entrepreneurship? With vivid practical examples and exercises that the audience can directly practise.


spreker kolom

Receive twice a month tips for your talent through the Talentmail (in Dutch), a valuable column about talent. Food for thought, inspiring quotes and tips for immediate application.


'Ik heb mijn eigen bedrijf en maakte me zorgen over mijn omzet.  Ik wilde graag doen wat écht bij mij past: waar ik energie van krijg. 'Mensen transformeren met één been in de kookpot' werd de rode draad van mijn Talenttraject. Yvette is scherp en realistisch, ze heeft je helemaal in de gaten. De opdrachten waren helemaal to the point, handvatten waar ik op kon bouwen. Blij en bemoedigd stapte ik elke keer de deur uit!

Wat heeft mijn Talenttraject opgeleverd? Er zijn dingen gebeurd die ik niet voor mogelijk had gehouden.  Ik heb allemaal bijzondere opdrachten gedaan, mijn omzet ruim gehaald, en.... Ik heb zelfs ook van een geweldige zomervakantie genoten'.

Ad Maas, Kookinspiratie

‘Yvette, je hebt werkelijk op alle juiste snaren getokkeld. Ik voel me enorm opgelucht en weet wat me te doen staat, een heerlijke helderheid.

Ik ben weer op de rit, voel me licht en weet dat ik bergen moet verzetten, maar daar heb ik ook enorme zin in. Ik weet nu in ieder geval wat me te doen staat!’

Etchica Voorn, Talentroom

‘Ons team zat in de prut.  Toen begonnen we een Talenttraject met Yvette. Zij heeft jarenlang in projecten in het buitenland gewerkt. Daar moeten mensen het doen met wat ze zelf bij zich hebben. Die methode past zij nu ook toe bij bedrijven in Nederland. Ze liet ons opstaan en vooruitkijken, met een heel positieve insteek. Het was een reset voor iedereen. En het mooie was, aan het einde van het traject had iedereen ook zijn nieuwe richting te pakken’.

Nel Sangers, voormalig adjunct directeur bij SBB.

Yvette van Dok


To put people into motion, that is my talent. With Co-Motion Consult I support and inspire professionals, executives and entrepreneurs to find their talents and to make better use of it. For the achievement of concrete results of significance. I do so in the Netherlands but also in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe.
